Insurance Company Pays $1¼ Million on $25,000 Policy
Jane Doe was the passenger on a motorcycle when the Camaro pulled out right in from of it. The crash broke bones from her skull to her ankle. She was life flighted to Shands Jacksonville and remained in a coma for almost a month.
Unfortunately, the Camaro only had $25,000 worth of insurance which was grossly inadequate considering the magnitude of Ms. Doe's injuries. As soon as Pajcic & Pajcic could obtain the Shands medical records and the accident report, it forwarded them to the defendant's insurance company with an offer to settle for the $25,000 policy limits. The insurance company did not respond until after the offer had expired and Pajcic & Pajcic had filed suit.
With its insured facing a multimillion dollar excess judgment because of its bad faith failure to settle, the insurance company agreed to $1,225,000 over its policy limits at the second mediation of the case. Since Ms. Doe has not been able to return to work, the extra money will give her badly needed financial security and will also ensure that she can receive the extensive medical treatment she will need for the rest of her.